
Oculus Rift film 'Spectator' Ship' screens in EYE National Film Institute
by Dieuwke de Mooij - Amsterdam, 27th of June 2015
I had the privilige to act in the gradutation film of the director Momchil Alexiev of the Dutch Film Academy. The leading Film academy in the Netherlands. He used the latest Oculus Rift technology and filmed with a 360 degree camera.
“Spectatorship, Trust, Responsibility. Long John Silver is not interested in those. All he cares about is his missing eye and an old gold treasure. I, on the other hand, am concerned. I start understanding why Captain Flint insisted on signing a contract before departure.
We left the port ahead of schedule and the ship will have to be finished on the way. We are reaching open waters very soon. The question is who is going to be the captain and who the master of this journey.”
I played a theatre actress in this film. The film screens on the 29th of June at the EYE National Film Institute in Amsterdam.
For locations, times and tickets click here.

Singing backing vocals at EP Release of Elisabeth Daniel
by Dieuwke de Mooij - Brussels, 3th of June 2015
After recording backing vocals in a Dutch recording studio for singer songwriter Elisabeth Daniel earlier this year, on the 3th of June the big day had arrived...The release concert of Elisabeth Daniel's EP!
In the heart of Brussels Elisabeth Daniel presented her EP to the world. And I was there to sing backing vocals. The concert was a blast! We recieved a lot of positive feedback from the crowd and even some producers came to listen. You will be hearing more of this upcoming artist, I'm telling ya. Chapeaux Elisabeth Daniel!
If you want to listen to some tracks or order her EP, click here. I promise you, you won't regret it!

Acting with "The Orange Tea Theatre Group"
by Dieuwke de Mooij - Amsterdam, 9th of June 2015
I had the privilege to act with the professional and talented actors from The Orange Tea Theatre Group. A group of British and American actors who live and act in Amsterdam. We played 'Fact to Fiction' in Mezrab Theatre, Amsterdam.
Created by Orange Tea Theatre Ensemble and the Story Telling Community:
It starts with the news and ends with a play! Over the course of one week actors and story tellers will come together to create fictional short plays based on real news events.
I acted in a short comedic play about 'motherhood' and played a young pregnant lady who was going to become a mom for the first time in her life. It was such fun to play with these talented actors and to act in English again. I absolutely loved it! For many more to come!
To read more about The Orange Tea Theatre Group click here.