Writersroom ‘We Run’ the LEGO SESSION - MAPPING OUT YOUR STORY VIA LEGO. A new brainstorm technique for our television series script....

I'm on the Dutch National News!
Oh my gosh I was on the Dutch national news (NOS journaal). What a way to start the New Year! On the 9th of January, when I heard it was...

Acting via Zoom: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Last week I was asked as a Training Actress to act via Zoom for the Erasmus International University Rotterdam. A new sensation when you...

Music Duo: Joel & Dieuwke
It's Corona Times and musicians are sitting on their hands for way too long. So Joel van Dingen and I decided to start a Music Duo and...

Coaching: Talk like 'TED'
COACHING IN STEMBEVRIJDING/SPREKEN IN HET OPENBAAR. Onlangs hielp ik Madelon Eelderink- met haar "TED-Talk"/Presentatie voor 650 man...