Strasberg's Method Acting from acting coach Andre Landzaat

In Lab111 in Amsterdam, where they used to dissect human bodies, I dissected Lee Strasberg's Method Acting the last few weeks. Our acting coach was Andre Landzaat, an experienced actor/acting coach who worked in New York and LA and learned the tricks of the trade from Lee Strasberg himself.
About Andre Landzaat
Andre Landzaat was born and raised in the Netherlands. When he left Holland at an early age, he studied with Ives Furet in Paris for two years whose teaching was based on the method of Lee Strasberg.
During that time he was acquainted with Edward Albee who encouraged him to study with the master himself at his private classes at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Later, he became a lifetime member of the Actors Studio and during that time in New York, he experienced and shared work with such talents as Shelley Winters, Robert de Niro and Al Pacino.
Other teachers included Peggy Feury and Warren Robertson. Later in his career he moved to Los Angeles to act in different television series.
So inspiring to learn new techniques to add as 'tools' to my 'toolbox' as an actor. Especially the relaxation excersizes and the 'sense memory' excersizes open up your senses in a new way. You're more in the moment and emotions float to the surface much quicker. The more emotions, the better, right? ;) Now I really know what Hollywood means when they speak of 'method acting'. I had read about it, but I guess it's better to actually experience it for myself. The more techniques you can use as an actor to find the right emotion, the better. I feel enriched!