My films turned into Art
During the process of writing/producing my Short Films I felt: "This is a story that needs to be told. I have to express these emotions in a tangible art form. And when the films were finished, I felt this sense of 'relief'. New art was 'born'." When I see other artists telling similar stories that relate to 'We Dance', 'We Love' or 'We War' it makes my heart soar.
Read the stories below of the painter Anke Lenearts and the photographer Keef Williams who are making their own art, but telling similar stories.
Happy New Year!!
- Dieuwke -
Anything that is from the depth in us will reach the depth in others.'
- Nicky Gumble -

I asked the talented painter Anke Lenaerts to paint a painting based on my films 'We Dance', 'We War' and 'We Love'. Turned out she had just finished painting three paintings based on those themes, even before I asked her. Wow! Synchronicity! I love how she captured all these emotions on a canvas. In November I bought these from her. Check out more of her breathtaking art at
The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
- Pablo Picasso -

The photo above was taken by the talented photograper Keef Williams on the set of 'We Run'. He will have his own exhibition in Amsterdam this month. You will see lots of set photos of 'We Dance' and 'We Run' there a.o. Go check it out! The details are below. Check out more of his breath taking photos on

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.
- Thomas Merton -